March 29, 2025 8:01 PM

How to deal with Toxic People

How to deal with toxic people


In this article I will talk about People with toxic behavior. How you can figure out if someone is toxic toward you or not. How you can deal with them. How you can help your self to get out of that bad situation.

We meet thousands of people in our whole life. We people are connected with each other in different ways and we fill the needs of each other. We have people in our lives that are our family members, friends or colleagues with them we meet often. And there are also people that we meet with occasionally as per our needs.

In our life sometimes we have an encounter with toxic people, someone who create problems in our daily life. They cause problems for us directly or indirectly.

“Toxic people will make you feel bad, negative, guilty, confused, frustrated, and ashamed.”

A toxic person is someone who creates disorder in your life from their negative behavior. It can effect on you mentally or physically as well. People who are toxic sometimes they are dealing with their own issues and it effects them unconsciously or they can also be toxic on purpose and can be manipulative, un-supportive and self-obsessed.


Being toxic is not a direct health disorder but it is an underlying situation that can trigger or cause some kind of disorder mostly mental disorder like depression, anxiety, unhappy or negative thoughts. You feel distracted and always feels like in trouble because of it.


To deal with this problem you have to pay proper attention and figure out the cause and way to deal. Mostly toxic people are someone who are around us a lot people who are close to us. Like someone from the friends or it can also be someone from family. Or people that are work colleagues, college friends or maybe if we come up in relationship with someone.

We don’t focus on the behavior of our close ones and we usually ignore to think like that about them. It is difficult to figure out specifically if someone is close to us or our loved ones that if they are toxic to us or not.

To find out that if a person is being toxic with us or not. Toxic people do some specific actions that are toxic like being manipulative, judgmental, disrespecting, un-supportive or aggressive. If you get familiar with these than you can easily figure out if someone is toxic with you.



Is He / She Toxic?

  • Manipulative
  • Liars
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Judgmental response
  • Not let you forget


Manipulative people are most likely to be self-obsessed. They will manipulate you for their own good without respecting that if it will be harmful for you. It could be their trick to use you for their advantage.

Toxic people can also be liars. They will be telling lie often and try to mislead you. They will also try to misinform you so that you cannot get to the actual point.

For example toxic people in your work space and if you was absent and you don’t get any information of that day. They will try to misinform you so that you be degraded.

Being aggressive is also one of the traits of toxic people. They will be aggressive if somethings does not go their way. Or they will try to be always right even for very tiny issues they will keep arguing until you give up. Or if you reject them they might get aggressive verbally or even physically.


In toxic people being Judgmental is also one of main traits that they have. They will be judgmental on you over everything. And will try to criticize you in front of other people. They will highlight your weakness in front of other people and make you feel unworthy.

Toxic people will not let you forget about your past if something not god happened in there. They will speak about it in front of you and other people. And you might be feeling regretful after remembering it every time.

We might be trying to overcome those bad times and move on to positive times. But they are more negative and drama people so they will make you think about it by asking you or telling you about that past moments.

After getting to know about toxic people to know their actions and how they make you feel. You can decide that if that person is toxic with you or not. And you have to know that how you can deal with them.

How you can help yourself?

  • Being straightforward
  • Say No
  • Setting up limits
  • Share less
  • Cutting them Out

Being Straightforward is the strategy that you can follow to deal with the toxic people. You can call them straight for their lies or manipulations. Sometimes you feel that you don’t want to misbehave with that person or you feel nervous to decide if you might be wrong.

Or you stay quiet to avoid difficult talk with them. So you have to get rid of this and talk straightforward with them. You can tell them that you don’t like their behavior and try to make him recognize it.

Say No is also a very important to deal with toxic people. Sometimes we are not confident or may be hesitant to say no. specifically with our loved ones because we don’t want to make them feel bad with us. But for toxic people if that is someone from your loved ones it will be an opportunity for him to use you.


So you have to try saying No often. It may be hard to say no for first time. But as you will start saying it to deal with toxic people it will be easy for you. And you will be more confident about deciding for yourself.


Setting up limits with toxic person will be helpful to deal with them. You can set boundaries for them like if they are abusive or harmful to you. You can tell them to stay away from you and you try to avoid them. So that they cannot harm you in any way. You can tell them to change their behavior or go away.

Share less with them can also help you deal with toxic people. As you have figured out that they toxic and can use your feelings, secrets or weakness against you. So you expect that they will exploit you and don’t share your anything that can be used against you or make you feel negative.


Cutting them out of your life will work for you if all the other strategies don’t work. If you feel at the same level even after trying all other strategies so it’s right to get rid of that person and part your ways. You can change your paths and move on.

Toxic people at work

If you are someone who is doing a job in corporate sector. So you know or even faced these kind of toxic people. These kind of people can be found at any work place. They are negative, over-competitive, rude or unhelpful. They will try to make you feel ashamed, bully you or threaten you. And manipulate your co-workers to turn against you.

They will try to manipulate your boss against you so you cab demoted or keep you down. These type of people are harmful for entire work environment and are very non- productive. To get rid from these kind of toxic people at your work.

You can keep yourself perfect and try to avoid them. You can have some people around you that are friendly with you and you have good working relation with them. And you can focus on your target and try to build your career completely ignoring those toxic people and go above them.

Toxic relationship

Toxic relationship is like in which you feel unsupported, misunderstood or you feel being misled. Relationship are there to feel good in every situation. Toxic relationship can be anywhere, from your family, friends. Toxic relationships are not only related to romantic relationships it can also be from your family like your siblings or cousins.

These all people are very close to us and they are loved one for us. So at first it will be very difficult for us to figure out that if someone is being toxic from them with us because it is hard for us to think that way about them.

If you figure out about their toxicity it will be very depressing and stressful for you and it will be difficult for you to accept this. Sometime they are toxic with you if you are above them and they will be spreading hate against you and mislead people about you. They will target you by using their mean actions and behaviors.

Sometime people can be toxic without recognizing that they are being toxic and causing harm to you. They might be facing some of their own issues that can cause this and they don’t know better ways to communicate. They can be cared or use strategy to make them better by giving chances to them and making them realize it.

They can be your friends or family members and you may not afford to get rid of them so you use methods to make them better.


Final words are, it is very important for you to deal with toxic people in your life if you have. And it is equally important for your physical and mental health and good life style. They might be causing hurdles for your success and using your energy in negativity.

You have to deal with them to be happy and have a good, successful life. You have to get rid of them or try to limit being close to them or you can also try to make them recognize and help to change them.

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