How Technology has changed our Life? Evolution of Technology and its Impact.

Human civilization evolved over the time. Evolution process of human civilization is a long process, it took hundreds and thousands of years to reach current at level. Every generation of different era has benefited from these innovations and inventions and scientific applications.
Now, this is the era of technology evolution. We developed quite well in this field for past few years. Technology and engineering innovations and inventions have become necessary to grow and evolve. As technological inventions have become our need and embedded in our life.
Technology has made our lives trouble-free by changing the way, how we perform activities in our daily life. It also changed the way we operate, in our professional life, how can we evolve our economy and how we can increase our productivity. It is also creating a great need of technology to develop, and technology is improving by the passing time.
Technology is defined as application or tool that is developed or created using applied science to solve problems of a society. In simple words we can say, technology is the way we implement scientific knowledge to practical purpose. Technology includes the inventions of old times and modern times like, ships, airplane, thermometers, compass, steam engine, tires, cars, clock, battery, computer, p hones, printers, robots and many more inventions.
Technology is developing with the passage of time and there are new technologies of future that will change our lives and it will be a completely different world.

In history every civilization has seen development, rise and fall with the use of technology and new inventions. Ancient civilizations like Indus valley civilization, we discovered that they invented and built many basic technologies that we still using. According to that time of Indus valley civilization those inventions were very modern and we cannot find many examples like that anywhere else in other civilizations.
Technology have impact on every field of life and our daily life. If we see that how technology has changed our life, we can observe that it is a dramatic change.
In ancient times there were many technologies that helped the society and changed their life. Like there were calendars, first calendar was invented in Bronze Age and it was fully calculated based on formulas. And over the time it was improved more and more. Old math calculators that helped to keep the economies growing and calculation of date and time.
Technology also used in defense. Over the time we have seen that there were different tools and weapons that were used for defense and war purpose, different tactics of war and technologies to stay ahead of enemy were used.
Technology also used in defense. Over the time we have seen that there were different tools and weapons that were used for defense and war purpose, different tactics of war and technologies to stay ahead of enemy were used.
For communication, movement, defense to know the location of enemy deployments multiple types of technology equipment are used.

Invention of tools that helped in farming and growing crops. Invention of irrigation system helped to grow the agriculture field and changed our life. Invention of different tools that are used in agriculture.
Invention of clay things that were used for food and now we have metal cutlery. Invention of glass and clay material all these played part in development and revolutionizing of life and industry.
Wheel was invented and that changed the way of traveling and it kept improving over the years and made more feasible and workable with more efficiency. Invention of ships and sources that help to move things and do trade that help to grow the economies of countries and spread their influence over many other areas.
A very common example of how civilization has developed is the tools that were used in stone-age. Mostly tools were made of bones, wood and stones. Pots were made out of stone, by carving the stone. And large size bones were used for defense purpose and used in fighting or hunting. In that time stones were used to burn the fire.
Strong took over the week. There are many empires that came into power over the long period of time. Every empire that took over other or came into power was because of their strong economy and how advanced they are in technology and inventions. And because of their strong economy it helped those to be more advanced in technology and their armies were also strong and they took over the weak empires. Any empire who was modern in technology, more advanced methods and strong system they took over the others.

As human from ancient times to current modern time we had different challenges and different tasks to perform and goals were different. It kept changing over the time as civilizations kept improving and they were developing. In early times, humans only need was to eat and secure their life.
They were living for survival. They use to hunt, eat and defend them from outsider. And by the time they discovered new things, and basic human nature of observe and learn more helped them to unleash the newer things and slowly they start to improve their life style.
And now we can see that we can travel so easily and can communicate with people at distance with just few clicks and use of modern technology. Now we have different challenges and tasks to perform then the ancient times, but the basic needs are same, as we need food and security. But the sources of them are also improved and we found many more sources to get food and improved methods for our security.
Today we have strong communication system, we can send messages instantly and can get their response in few seconds, even we can talk and see each someone that is far from us. But if you imagine about all of these technologies according ancient times you can know that it is impossible things and human of that time cannot even imagine about all this development.
Today we can travel to space and other planets as we know that in near future companies are getting ready to start space touring industry. People will be able to travel to space and spend some relaxing time and enjoy new world and discover new things there.
Technology has affect on human life in both ways positively and negatively. By solving our problems and opening new opportunities it affected us positively and by giving us more challenges and creating more problems it affected us negatively. Mostly we will discuss about the positive impact of technology on our life and how it changed us. Technology has made our life and world easier by introducing new methods and inventions.
Technology made traveling easy, with the improvement of transportation and there are more means of transportation available. So, now we can travel to any part of world in few hours and there are multiple mods of traveling. We can schedule our traveling and reserve our seats before time to travel.
To travel in city or anywhere now many platforms are available online like Uber, Kareem, Grab, Bookme and many other online platforms available where you can even find a place for living if you are traveling to some new place and don’t have residence there.
Infrastructure is very important for the economy and trade of a country. New we have developed systems of well paved roads that connect us to every city and town.
Railway system is also feasible and is quick mode of transportation from one point to another. It all helped us to develop more and connect easily with the farther parts of world.

Communication is easy with the use of technology, now we can connect with anyone and anywhere within just few seconds and convey our message.
Technology made the agriculture/farming easy and modern by introducing modern methods and tools. Modern system and machines overtook the ancient and old system of agriculture and now there is less use of human and animal labor. Mostly work is done by using modern technology, machines and robots. Seeds and plants are now more developed and genetically improved to meet the future challenges and needs.
Now we also have multiple types of agricultural chemicals that are used to improve the productivity and quality of the crops and animals and pesticides are used to control the insects that cause disease for the crops.

Construction and making new things is made more easily now then the old times. By introducing the appliances and households it also made our daily life easy, now we can do our home chores more easily and in less time.
Education is also modernized by the use of technology as the civilization developed and they found more challenges with them so there was a need to overcome those problems and learn from them. And the education system has changed in a way that, now we have more resources to learn compared to past.
In this modern era education is shifted to modern devices like computers and tablets are being used to teach in classes, books and related study material is available virtually on those devices.
With the use of technology our lifestyle has changed. We do our tasks differently and our activities and the way to perform them are changed now. Everyone has a device that we use to do many of our daily tasks. For example if we need to but anything or do shopping everything is available online and we can buy sitting on our couch and it will be delivered at our door step. We can meet people by having social distancing and can see each other.
Human behavior is also affected with the use of technology so much in our society in our daily life. We are more comfortable and adopted to do our tasks from our comfort zone instead of doing it by going out of way and putting extra hard work. People feel more convenient to use apps and other online platforms available to do their tasks, for example shopping and paying bills even have online meetings.
As we faced a period of pandemic and world was under lockdown it helped the use of technology and people started using online platforms for their work and shopping and now it is becoming the new normal of life.

Generally technology has positively affected our life a lot and now we cannot even think about living without all these modern resources, they have become our basic necessity of our life. But it also have some negative impacts and gave us new problems. Like decrease in natural resources, global warming, lifestyle and health issues.
Continuously decreasing minerals and natural resources is a big problem now. With the use of more technology minerals that are used in technology or fossil fuels that we use to run our technology are creating big problem. And it is also causing food shortage as we are using them as fuel or to make fuel.
Fossil fuel and water are two big problems in current time, with the shortage of them everyone knows that it will be difficult to live and it causes the conflicts between countries and they are fighting over it.
Pollution increase is one of biggest problems that came with the technology. As technology kept growing over the time pollution index was also increasing and now we are facing serious consequences of it in the shape of global warming. Consumption of fuels in industry, vehicles and construction of huge infrastructure/buildings along with the increase in population cause huge problems for environment.

Emissions from burning of fuel and waste are causing serious disease. Increasing temperature is also affecting the nature glaciers are melting, seas are spreading and there are more floods and temperature of earth is increasing. These are the real problems and if we could not deal with them on time we will face serious side-affects because of them.
Essence of article is that, Technology has affected our lives massively, we cannot even imagine of these developments of technology in old times. Life is now more convenient and tasks are easy to perform. And we have such inventions of technology that we could not imagine. Robots, flying vehicles and traveling to farther planets it was only possible with the use of technology. Technology is also have some side effects like with the use of more technology increase in global warming and temperature of earth, technology can also be misused and can cause damage to individuals, companies and even governments and countries. It changed the life of people mostly with positive affect and also have negative impact on people. So we know that technology has affected our life tremendously. Just imagine that how much time you can spend without using technology, you will know that it is difficult to do any task and live without technology in current time.