Quotes about Life Depression
Depression, feeling low, hopelessness happens to all of us in our life. Sometimes we feel that we lost everything in this life or everything has taken away from you. Depression make us feel terrible mentally and it affects us physically as well. Any moment or incident can make you feel like this. It is a situation in which everyone feels terrified and can’t think properly that what they have to do to get out of this situation.
In United States 18 million people are affected by depression in a given year. You or anyone from the people that are close to you might be affected by depression. So, it can have impact on you as well to any degree mild to strong. Sometimes people are directly affected by depression but they don’t share it with others and just keep it to themselves. They are afraid of saying something wrong or maybe afraid of society that it may give negative impact. So, it is necessary if we see such people ask them personally, encourage them with motivational examples and quotes about life and depression.
It is an unfortunate truth that depression is the essential motivation behind why somebody dies from suicide many people choose to suicide every day, more than 41,000 individuals per year. So we should understand the severity of it and search out help assuming we are encountering it.
Quotes about depression and sadness deals with various parts of the illness like grief, misery, negativity, loneliness and other related issues. We have compiled a list of quotes about life depression that can help you get out of these psychological situations. These quotes about life depression can make you feel inspired and motivated and a feeling of “someone gets it.” These quotes will give the words to your feelings that you can express and will make you feel less alone. Quotes about life and quotes about depression can make you feel comfortable that you are not alone in this situation and how you can get rid of this situation.
Here is the list of Quotes about Life and depression. Here will be the quotes about life and depression that will make you feel that you are not alone and quotes for motivation that will help you that you can get out of this situation. We hope that it will be helpful for you and give confidence to you.
Lilly Singh’s words about depression,
- “A big part of depression is feeling lonely for real, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.”
Henry Rollins saying about depression,
- “I’ll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does.”
- “It’s not too late to recover. You are young, you are tough. You are adaptable. You can patch up your wounds, lift up your head and move on.” @Haruki Murakami
- “I won’t let my pain turn my heart into something ugly. I will show you that surviving can be beautiful.” @Christy Ann Martine
- “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” @ Aristotle
- “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” @ Buddha
- “I tend to get pretty depressed and I have some issues with anxiety and things like that … For me, it’s more psychological. Exercise is a means of expelling those demons.” @ Ryan Reynolds
- “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” – Rumi
- “We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes speak.”

- “If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.”
- “I have depression. But I prefer to say “I battle” depression instead of “I suffer” with it. Because depression hits, but I hit back. Battle on.”
- “You look happy, but you don’t feel happy. That’s what depression does to you.”
- “When you suffer from depression ‘I’m tired’ means a permanent state of exhaustion that sleep doesn’t fix.”
- “No one realizes how strong someone with depression has to be just to do daily stuff like shower, brush hair or get out of bed.”
- “Today my forest is dark. The trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings.”
- “When you’re depressed you don’t control your thoughts, your thoughts control you. I wish people would understand this.”
- “I really want to talk to someone about my thoughts and feelings but I can’t.”
- “The only thing more exhausting than being depressed is pretending that you’re not depressed.”
- “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” @ John Green
- “The magic will happen when you stop listening to the negative voices in your head and start believing in yourself.”
- “They tell me I’m not trying but how would they know.”

- “We cannot stop what’s already occurred. We can just try again till it gets better.”
- “I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a dark place mentally. So if you’ve done that today or any day I’m proud of you and you will be proud of yourself one day.”
- “In times of pain, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to right now. The precise moment I was in was always the only safe place for me.” @ Julia Cameron
- “Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.” @ Janet Fitch
- “There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” @ Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral’s Kiss
- “No matter how bad things are right now. No matter how stuck you feel. No matter how many days you’ve spent crying and wishing things were different. No matter how hopeless and depressed you feel. I promise you that you won’t feel this way forever. Keep going.”
- “Depression is like a bruise that never goes away. A bruise in your mind. You just got to be careful not to touch it where it hurts. It’s always there though.”
- “Nobody ever tells you that emptiness weighs the most.”
- “Your mental health is more important than the test, the interview, the lunch date, the meeting, the family dinner, and the grocery-run. Take care of yourself.”
- “I want to tell you how to help me. I want you to tell me what I need. I wish I could.”
- “I wish I could go back to a time when I could smile and it didn’t take everything in me to do it.”

- “I am so demanding and difficult for my friends because I want to crumble and fall apart before them so that they will love me even though I am no fun, lying in bed, crying all the time, not moving. Depression is all about if you loved me you would.”
- “That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end.”
- “I feel so disconnected from the world, and I feel like no one even notices me or cares about me anymore.”
- “Depression is your body saying, ‘I don’t want to be this character anymore. I don’t want to hold up this avatar that you’ve created in the world. It’s too much for me. You should think of the word ‘depressed’ as ‘deep rest.’ Your body needs to be depressed. It needs deep rest from the character that you’ve been trying to play.” @ Jim Carrey
Final views and suggestion.
Depression is a common psychological problem that makes individuals feel sad, hopeless, unmotivated, and negative. It very well may be challenging to get over depression all alone, yet there are multiple ways of finding support. On the off chance that you’re feeling depressed, looking for treatment from a psychological professional is important. There are likewise numerous self-improvement techniques that can assist you with dealing with your depression.
Converse with somebody who understand what you’re going through. It tends to be useful to converse with somebody who has encountered depression by himself or knows how to help somebody who is managing it. This could be a partner, family member, therapist, or care group.
Work-out consistently. Change your daily life routine. Work-out releases endorphins, which have mood boosting impacts it helps your mood to boost. A moderate measure of activity is the key here – to an extreme or too little physical activity can really demolish your mood and eat healthy food follow a proper diet plan that suits best for you routine to feel quite a bit improved..